DISK ONE / BCPK(Apple Posse) 

In 2009, he began a career as a DJ. His style is full of originality and
attracts a lot of people. He has co-stared with various people including dance music artists and famous Hip Hop DJ's. Now he's good at selecting wide ranges of music such as Hip Hop, R&B, POP, HOUSE, TECHNO, ELECTRO, ROCK,
80's music, DUBSTEP and so on. He uses PCDJ Soft Ableton Live and then he
can improvise to change one song from another and mix(mash up) music on
the spot. He is widely noticed not only as a Party DJ but as a Live DJ.
Moreover he performs DJ LIVE MIX[Diesel Pirates Radio] in Osaka's Ame-mura
on every last Monday and is involved in various projects and fashion shows.
In addition, he makes productions of music actively as BCPK BEATS/Daisuke
Nagataki and also engages in productions of sound source, such as major
artists and famous MC's, Singers and so on. As a producer, he sets out the
direction of MANHATTAN RECORDS Official Mix and the like. His skil is proverbial among famous Japanese DJ's. He is only 21 years old, but he's the
most powerful young DJ/CREATOR in Japan.

2009年、DJとしてキャリアを本格的にスタート。若干20歳にして、若手中四国ナンバー1との呼び声も高い期待の次世代DJ。そのオリジナリティ溢れるDJスタイルが支持を受け、様々なDanceMusic PartyやHip Hop Party,Private Party,Loungeなどで現在PLAY中。HIPHOP,ROCK,HOUSE,ELECTRO,80s,DUBSTEP等、幅の広い音楽知識は東京、大阪トップクラスのDJにも一目置かれる存在である。またPCDJソフトAbleton Liveを使い、即興で、音楽をMASH UPさせていき、その場で全く別の曲にしていくなどの、PARTY DJとは違うLIVE DJとしての活動の評価も高く、コンセプトMix シリーズ「To The Sea!!」ではDJ JUN × DISK ONEのApple Posse名義としての活動も有名である。その他にも楽曲制作をBCPK/Daisuke Nagataki名義で積極的におこなっており、オリジナル音源の制作にも力をいれている。これからの成長も楽しみな、今最も勢いのある若手DJ/CREATORだ。